Slides of my talk 'Innovation at the Intersection: Using STS to enable University – Technology Sector Collaboration', delivered at the 4S Society for the Social Studies of Science conference, New Orleans, 04 September 2019.
Slides of my talk 'Innovation at the Intersection: Using STS to enable University – Technology Sector Collaboration', delivered at the 4S Society for the Social Studies of Science conference, New Orleans, 04 September 2019.
My talk 'Integrating DH into the longue durée: Research Laboratories, History, Methods', presented at the Australian Academy of the Humanities’ 2nd Humanities, Arts and Culture Data Summit and 3rd international DARIAH Beyond Europe workshop, 27 - 29 March, 2019.
The text of my keynote talk and slides, for the launch of the Center for Digital History Aarhus (CEDHAR), Aarhus University, 22nd February 2019.
Slides for my talk 'Curating our Technological Ruins: Towards an Aesthetics of Disaster Archiving', delivered at the 'Public Humanities Infrastructure: A Post-Harvey Introduction to Critical Infrastructure Studies' event at the Humanities Research Centre, Rice University, January 25th, 2019. Readings are available on the Critical Infrastructure Studies site.
Slides for my talk 'Research Software Careers: Establishing Local, National & International Pathways', at the launch of Research Software London, Imperial College London, October 18, 2018.