Slides for my talk 'The Epistemology of the Machine: Natural Philosophy, Digital Laboratories, and Cultural Heritage', at the Northwest Digital Research Methods Festival, University of Liverpool, 12 September, 2018.
Slides for my talk 'The Epistemology of the Machine: Natural Philosophy, Digital Laboratories, and Cultural Heritage', at the Northwest Digital Research Methods Festival, University of Liverpool, 12 September, 2018.
Slides for my talk 'From Lab to University: Towards an Institutional RSE Career Pathway', delivered at Research Software Engineering 2018, Birmingham University, 03 September 2018.
Slides used in a 5 minute introduction to the 'Digital' theme at the AHRC / Newton funded workshop on Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development in Jordan, Jordan Musuem, Amman, 27-28 June 2018. After a brief overview of activity across the UK digital cultural heritage sector, I explore 5 questions people designing major digital projects should consider: Governance & Management, Access, Complexity, Scale, Sustainability.
The text of my contribution to the Critical Infrastructure Studies panel at MLA 2018, New York (January 6th, 2018), 'Interrogating Global Humanities Infrastructure'.
A selection of four talks from 2017, at the Bodleian Library, DH2017 (Montreal), University of Cologne, and DPASSH 2017 (University of Sussex).